Awards Granted To La Fabril’s Campaigns At The 50th Edition Of The Effie Awards
September 30, 2019
Awards Granted To La Fabril’s Campaigns At The 50th Edition Of The Effie Awards
In recognition of the results obtained by advertising and marketing strategies implemented by different brands in successful campaigns launched together with advertising agencies in the country, La Fabril was one of the companies awarded at the Effie Awards Ceremony. The event took place on Wednesday, September 25th, at the Hilton Colon Hotel in Guayaquil.
Every year the advertising industry works on hundreds of campaigns that are part of marketing strategies implemented by their clients. The Ecuador Effie Awards is the single professional instance in charge of evaluating this undertaking, which centers its attention in the effectiveness of marketing communications.
The reputation of the Awards has crossed boundaries outside its country of origin, the United States. At present, Effie Awards are organized in more than 45 countries in Europe, Asia, North and South America.
During the special event, La Fabril received one Golden, two Silver, and one Bronze Effie for the following campaigns:
• “#YoDeBlanco” – Lavatodo laundry soap – Positive Social Impact Category – Brands (Gold)
• “Ecuador tierra del Pan” – Maestro Line – Positive Social Impact Category – non-profit (Silver)
• “El mundo es full Color” Ciclón Detergent – Sustained Success Category (Silver)
• “Matchcotas, amor al primer like” – Olimpia Pet Disinfectant – Seasonal Marketing Category (Bronze)
“The Effie is not a recognition granted to a spot or an advertisement, but an award for a case of success the company obtained through an advertising campaigns,” reported Juan Franco, La Fabril’s Sales Manager. “For us and for our advertising, strategy, media and market research agencies, these Effies are a recognition to creativity, innovation, and discipline of the entire Company that works to improve the lives of the Ecuadorian families,” he emphasized.
With a powerful marketing strategy, La Fabril builds its brands based on a rigorous process while working together with different communication, advertising, and market-survey agencies.
In the last 13 years, the Company has won 14 Effie Awards, and with the four prizes obtained this year, La Fabril is now part of the TOP most effective advertisers in the country.