Completion Of La Fabril’s Artisan Courses
September 26, 2019
Completion Of La Fabril’s Artisan Courses
La Fabril S.A. seeks to incentivize the economic growth of the families of its work-ers through micro-enterprises.
In a very exciting and inspiring event, La Fabril S.A, through its Social Welfare Area, closed the 2019 Cycle of Artisan Workshops that included bakery, handicrafts and sewing classes. 180 relatives of La Fabril’s workers participated in these courses that throughout a three-month period, worked on theory and practical classes on the preparation of different objects and products.
The initiative is part of the Company´s commitment with its workers that goes well beyond the working environment and extends to their families’ wellbeing. The objective is to ensure participants will implement the knowledge and skills acquired and start small businesses that will instill dynamism into their households’ economy.
Social worker Jessenia Alvia said the workshops were well accepted, which reflects the entrepreneurial spirit of La Fabril’s families.
Nora Murillo (bakery apprentice), said she was quite satisfied with the techniques learned, as she will be able to improve the preparation of her recipes. “It’s not only important to want to do things, but to learn the best way to do them; I now know the exact amount of ingredients to be used according to the number of portions needed,” she commented.
Nora, just like the other participants, expressed her appreciation to La Fabril for this excellent opportunity that allows them to grow as a family.