July 10, 2020
The success of economic revival for Ecuadorian families amounts to choosing products made in Ecuador
Montecristi, July 8, 2020.- La Fabril S.A is a company created and developed by Ecuadorian hands; consequently, since the very beginning, it committed to work for the wellbeing of the country and its people.
This commitment has been even more manifest during the health crisis, when a joint effort of the Fabrilian Family has made it possible to maintain the supply chain of products deemed as essential during the emergency.
Following several months of confinement, -which have brought significant social and economic burdens on the country-, the time has come for Ecuador’s economic revival. For Ecuadorian families, the success of this reactivation demands favoring services and products supplied by our country fellowmen, like the ones offered by La Fabril.
Data provided by IPSOS, and EUROMONITOR show that 65% of buyers at the global level choose to buy in stores close to their homes, and that 53% of consumers are in favor of buying goods and services produced in their own countries.
Thousands of Ecuadorian hands are behind all of our products, hands that generate with love and quality products for the care and wellbeing of all Ecuadorians.
At this stage of reactivation, more than ever we feel this commitment to our country, as well as pride for our origins. Consequently, we proudly and enthusiastically adhere our company to the program Mucho Mejor Ecuador (Far Better if its made in Ecuador), which encourages the consumption of products made in the country, by Ecuadorian workers for Ecuadorian consumers.